Saturday, June 11, 2016

I Take You by Eliza Kennedy

Released: May 2015

The synopsis of I Take You by Eliza Kennedy is irresistible. I couldn't help but snatch it up when I learned it was available for review. I devoured this book within 2 days and was super sad when it ended. It's so witty and hilarious that I literally laughed out loud every few pages, which I rarely do!

Here's the summary of I Take You, according to

Meet Lily Wilder: New Yorker, lawyer extraordinaire, blushing bride. And totally incapable of being faithful to one man. Lily’s fiancĂ© Will is a brilliant, handsome archaeologist. Lily is sassy, impulsive, fond of a good drink (or five) and has no business getting married. Lily likes Will, but does she love him? Will loves Lily, but does he know her? As the wedding approaches, Lily’s nights—and mornings, and afternoons—of booze, laughter and questionable decisions become a growing reminder that the happiest day of her life might turn out to be her worst mistake yet.
The first chapter of this novel caught me off guard, and I almost regretted my decision to read this book. I had no idea what I was getting into. Lily is borderline disgusting and incredibly slutty, and it took me a moment to understand and appreciate her sense of humor. But once I did, I was laughing my ass off.

I Take You explores the ugly, dirty, unconventional side of relationships. If you think you love your partner, can you still love them even if you know they're cheating? After all, isn't love supposed to be unconditional? What makes sleeping around so different from other flaws, such as having an incredibly bad temper, or problems with addiction? I love that this novel explores whether partners can remain in love and accept that the other has been unfaithful, especially when "cheating" only occurs on behalf of enjoying sex with different people, and has nothing to do with craving intimacy or making lasting connections.

This novel's only downfall was the dull and boring legalese sprinkled in here and there, which made me feel lost. Lily is a lawyer, and her first big case was part of the plot. Thankfully, the rest of the book makes up for the boring legal talk, so it wasn't a big deal in the end. Also, Lily's final courtroom scene was highly entertaining.

I Take You is a keeper and I'll definitely be holding onto it. I can't wait to read future books by Eliza Kennedy!

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review.

The latest novel written by Eliza Kennedy is Do This For Me.

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