Released: June 2009
Poison Ivory
is the fifteenth mystery in the Den of Antiquity series featuring amateur sleuth, antiques dealer and heroine Abigail Timberlake-Washburn.
When she purchases (not "buys", because proper southern ladies don't buy) an antique rosewood linen chest for her mother, Abigail is arrested on suspicion of trafficking illegal ivory. After her ex-husband Buford Timbersnake, uhhh, TimberLAKE, bails her out of jail, Abigail goes on her own sleuthing adventure to uncover the true identity of the evil ivory trafficker.
Poison Ivory
is a whirlwind of random, off-the-wall humor and misadventures so much to the point of being too zany and wacky for even me to finish. I regret to sadly admit that this is officially the last Den of Antiquity novel I will ever read. I've been faithful to Tamar Myers since I began this series because it started off being fun, cute, and containing many witticisms that southerners can appreciate! I had similar negative feelings toward book fourteen of the series called Death of a Rug Lord, which was also quirky to the point of near ridiculousness. My review for it can be found here:
Review for Death of a Rug Lord.